Each species has its niche in its native ecosystem; from the smallest microorganism to larger predator species, each plays an important role in the ecological chain. This uniqueness from species to species makes characterization an essential component...
Fishery managers across the world are all too familiar with the challenge of balancing the various demands of a multi-use fishery resource. As a result, a 2022 study published in Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries proposes...
While eutrophication is often portrayed as a negative in limnological circles, fisheries managers may have a different view of high productivity. Though high levels are linked to poor water quality, productive water bodies tend to increase fish...
eDNA sampling and analysis have been used to evaluate native fish populations for many years, and a 2023 article published in Scientific Reports highlights its utility in evaluating restocking and measuring stock improvements. A key component of...
Climate change’s impacts on fishery resources have been observed across the world in fresh and salt waters. Fish distribution, population sizes, native biodiversity, and other variables have shifted under climate change and shaped the availability of resources....
The Georgian Bay is infamous for its muskie fishery--however, the bay is not safe from environmental stressors and system decline.
Coaster brook trout, referred to here as coasters, are a valuable resource in Lake Superior, particularly after the species experienced significant declines in the late 1800s due to overfishing and habitat degradation. Now, populations in the Bayfield...