While the term “fish stocking” may conjure up images of conservation measures deployed by fishery managers to stock endangered native fish, it can also refer to stocking predatory fish, including non-native species, for the sake of anglers. Even...
eDNA sampling and analysis have been used to evaluate native fish populations for many years, and a 2023 article published in Scientific Reports highlights its utility in evaluating restocking and measuring stock improvements. A key component of...
Understanding functional diversity amongst species in an ecosystem is a key component of managing fishery resources. The importance of maintaining native biodiversity cannot be overstressed, particularly when climate change and various land use stressors threaten fish populations...
Many fisheries engage in fish stocking, and the strategies they use can significantly influence the effectiveness of these efforts.
Tiger muskies are popular with anglers as a highly sought-after trophy fish and have been thought to serve as protectors to hatchery fish.
When the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department started stocking smallmouth bass in 1974, the goal was to improve fishing in Central Texas—however, the introduction created a new threat to the native Guadalupe bass. Because the two species...
Coaster brook trout, referred to here as coasters, are a valuable resource in Lake Superior, particularly after the species experienced significant declines in the late 1800s due to overfishing and habitat degradation. Now, populations in the Bayfield...
Fin-clipping efforts in the Great Lakes are just one initiative that has made a difference in tracking native and hatchery-raised salmon.