An international icon and critical marine ecosystem, the Great Barrier Reef is a cornerstone of the region’s economy, biodiversity, culture, and history. However, anthropogenic stressors and climate change have led to some deterioration of areas of the...
Understanding functional diversity amongst species in an ecosystem is a key component of managing fishery resources. The importance of maintaining native biodiversity cannot be overstressed, particularly when climate change and various land use stressors threaten fish populations...
Like other lake regions across the world, the Laurentian Great Lakes are facing changes as a result of climate change. In particular, the Great Lakes Fishery has been hit hard—impacting habitat suitability, fish health, water temperature, seasonal...
A 2014 study supports an emerging method to improve habitat conditions for salmon more quickly and cheaply than traditional projects.
Pennsylvania's Unassessed Waters Initiative finds trout in overlooked streams with the help of local biologists and Trout Unlimited crews.
When it comes time to find a mate, some fish are perfectly happy to look for love beyond the bounds of their own species. But those that aren’t can be particularly picky, even among their own kind.