As the world turns its focus to refining aquaculture to meet global food demands sustainably, the environmental impact of aquaculture cannot be ignored. In particular, emissions of nitrous oxide and other greenhouse gases from aquaculture facilities can...
Aquaculture, also referred to as fish farming, is globally recognized as an essential component of ensuring that future generations do not suffer from food insecurity. While current operations allow for high yields, researchers and fish farm managers...
While salmon farming is a popular form of aquaculture, equipment failures, storms, and attacks by predators can lead to escapes. Because the farmed salmon differ from native species, researchers continually study escapees to understand their effects on...
Lake Huron’s waters are split between Canada and the United States--as are the two countries' opinions on fish farming.
Non-native fish escaping from aquaculture facilities has led to the introduction of invasive species in various environments, making management all the more essential.
Low dissolved oxygen can be a killer on aquaculture farms. Even when it’s not, it can halt growth, help spread disease and more.
You can achieve healthy dissolved oxygen levels in aquaculture by aerating your ponds. How to do so is a matter of choice.
In aquaculture, the dissolved oxygen concentration rises and falls daily. Understanding this cycle can help you avoid problems from low DO.