Articles By Samantha Baxter

Weather station deployed on Davies Reef.
An aquaculture pond located along the south shore of Donghai Island, Guangdong. (East of Guitou Village). Such facilities are tied to high nitrous oxide emmissions.
Dusk on the Yangtze River.
A Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides), which is a commonly stocked predatory fish.
satellite imagery from the NASA Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) satellites. The image shows eddies, the Loop Current, river plumes and coastal circulation in the Gulf of Mexico using different colors.
Coastline of Gokova Bay, Turkey, a designated marine protected area.
Rainbow trout observed in a pocket of water in the Arroyo Seco after they were relocated during from the San Gabriel River due to wildfires.
A group of anglers fishing in National Elk Refuge.
Lake Erie from Chatham-Kent Highway 3, Chatham-Kent, Ontario
Arctic char in a tank. This species was the focus of a 2024 characterization study.
The Bangrin Mangrove Marine Protected Areas situated at Bani, Pangasinan, Philippines.
A research station monitors spawning sockeye salmon on their way from the Okhotsk Sea into Kuril Lake.
Fish farming in Monetnegro
Harmful algal blooms, dead zones, and fish kills are the results of a process called eutrophication—which begins with the increased load of nutrients to estuaries and coastal waters. The Mississippi River carries millions of tons of nutrient-rich sediment into the Gulf each year.
Photo of several aquaculture tanks that that recirculate water--one type of sustainable aquaculture
Stocking fish from Leadville National Fish Hatchery. These hatchery-reared fish will have unique eDNA compared to their native counterparts.
Salmon aquaculture pens where water quality monitoring help ensure dissolved oxygen and temperature conditions meet species needs.
image of the the Green River in Utah which hosts a variety of avian, terrestrial, and aquatic species populations. Such sites are ideal locations for functional diversity studies
Auburn University School of Fisheries Associate Professor Dr. William “Bill” Walton looks at the oysters in their floating cages in Mobile Bay near Dauphin Island, Alabama.
The National Park Service's Matt Kulp discusses fishery management in Great Smoky Mountains National Park